Note: this is a 5hr open water trip MAY NOT BE SUITABLE FOR YOUNG CHILDREN OR INFANTS as Seas can be choppy at times.
The boat cost for this trip of $750.00 and must be met for the boat to be scheduled for departure. The cost and time is significant to run this boat offshore. If cost is prohibitive, we suggest checking with Bigger boats at
No more than 6 passengers at $125.00 per passenger or groups of 5 or less may charter the boat privately for the $750 boat fee. If 1 to 5 passengers decide to buy tickets at $125 rate per person, they will be placed on a waiting list for cruise confirmation. As soon as the boat limit is met your Credit Card will then be charged and the boat will be scheduled departure and all passengers notified.
If you choose to privately charter the boat for your group at the boat fee of $750.00 you will be charged, and the boat will be immediately scheduled for departure on the desired date.
This is a trip 15 to 25 miles offshore to the feeding grounds of numerous Pelagic Wildlife Species : PLEASE NOTE THESE SPECIES MAY INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING HOWEVER THERE NO GUARANTEE OF SIGHTINGS:
- Humpback Whales
- Finback Whales
- Minke Whales
- Porpoise
- White sided Dolphins
- Seals
- Ocean Sunfish (Mola-Mola)
- Northern Fulmars
- Greater Shearwaters
- Sooty Shearwaters
- Leach’s Storm Petrels
- Wilson’s Storm Petrels
- Gannets
The boat will always swing into view the puffins and numerous other seabirds nesting at Petit Manan Island.
At least 2 lighthouses will be seen.
We will haul 1 of the Captains Lobster Traps on the way in as well.
You’re welcome to bring food and drink aboard the boat.